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Fighting back Lyme: a disease, my life! Fund
0 nonprofits
Fighting back Lyme: a disease, my life! Fund
Chronic Lyme disease is UNBELIEVABLE! If you haven't experienced it yourself or had/have a loved one who has it, you wouldn't believe it because it doesn't exist! Lyme disease is an infection that is transmitted through the bite of a tick infected with a bacterium called Borrelia burgdorferi. Lyme disease has so many faces that it is hard to be recognized by experienced doctors. Here are some of the most common manifestations of Lyme: erythema migrant, arthritis, carditis, meningitis/encephalitis. In addition to the above, there are numerous non-specific symptoms, such as: rashes, fatigue, pain, stiffness, or swollen joints, headaches, dizziness, fever, night sweats and sleep disturbance, cognitive decline, sensitivity to light, vision changes, and many other neurological problems. Lyme disease has been called the new great imitator. It is really confusing because there are atypical presentations. Lyme can be difficult to diagnose. Tests are not always reliable. When you are being treated, one cannot be assured that the infection agent is invariably eradicated with the bacteriologic cure. Some people relapse following recommended treatment regiments. The agent of Lyme is highly complex and has many tactics to evade destruction by an antimicrobial agent and the immune system. ….here is a real life lyme story.... "I was bitten by an earwig in the spring of last year. In 40 days after the event (the period required by the immune system to respond) my results were false negative. In December 2018, for totally unrelated reasons, I made a second test that turned out positive for Borrelia grainy and Borrelia afzelin. Both manifest as arthritis and neurological symptoms. A friend of mine asked me once: He: “Have you ever watched D-r House?” I said: “Yep, some of the episodes”. He said: “Watch it! There are so many episodes in which during the diagnosis conversations the doctors come to suspect Lyme as the underlying cause of so many and different symptoms.” Well, I’m there - patient that faced this diagnosis first person, on my way to get treatment and fight back. With your help and engagement, I hope to get better! What I offer in return is my time and dedication to create greater awareness, understanding, and (hopefully) prevention of Lyme disease. " Your help in fighting back Lyme is needed! Thank you!
Isaac Greenberg NOVAdance 2020 - THE ANDREW MCDONOUGH B+ FOUNDATION Fund
1 nonprofit
Isaac Greenberg NOVAdance 2020 - THE ANDREW MCDONOUGH B+ FOUNDATION Fund
I am joining The Andrew McDonough B+ Foundation (pronounced "Be Positive) to fight childhood cancer because 46 kids are told they have cancer every school day. Through NOVAdance, Villanova students help fundraise, spread awareness, and making lasting positive memories with children and families battling pediatric cancer (B+ Heroes) . Our moto is "Everything we do, we do for our B+ Heroes". At NOVAdance we host events throughout the year that promote awareness of pediatric cancer as well as fundraise for The B+ Foundation. The B+ Foundation provides financial assistance to families struggling with the affects of pediatric cancer as well as funds cutting edge research for new, more effective and less invasive treatments. Additionally, The B+ Foundation pairs children and families battling pediatric cancer with students at universities (such as Villanova and NOVAdance) At NOVAdance, we are fortunate enough to be paired with 13 Heroes who light up our worlds. These children embody what it means to "Be Positive" in the face of great adversity, and it is our great honor and pleasure to make lasting positive memories with them and give them back the childhood cancer has tried to steal away. Together, we can make a lasting impact on the landscape of pediatric cancer, both today and tomorrow. $0.97 of every dollar goes towards funding research or helping families in distress because of pediatric cancer, and your donation will help families today! Thank you for your consideration and remember to spread positivity today!