Opportunity International, Inc.
Opportunity International is working toward a world in which all people have the opportunity to achieve a life free from poverty, with dignity and purpose. By providing financial solutions and training, we empower people living in poverty to transform their lives, their children's futures and their communities.
Spark Ventures
Spark Ventures builds partnerships that lift communities out of poverty and empowers future leaders.Spark Ventures directs human and financial resources to grassroots partner organizations around the world to provide nutrition, healthcare, education and jobs. By focusing our resources in areas of business, job creation and capacity building, we seek to have a lasting and sustainable impact. These efforts are anchored by our community of strategic donors who support this sustainable model with their donations of time, talent and treasure, and by our impact travel program that is life-changing and world-changing, fostering personal connections between Spark supporters and the vulnerable communities Spark serves.
International Justice Mission
To protect the poor from violence by rescuing victims, bringing the criminals to justice, restoring survivors to safety and strength, and helping local law enforcement build a safe future that lasts. Our long-term vision is to rescue millions, protect half a billion and make justice for the poor unstoppable.
Charity: Water
charity: water is a non-profit organization bringing clean and safe drinking water to people in developing countries.We inspire giving and empower others to fundraise for sustainable water solutions. We use local partners on the ground to build and implement the projects. Then, we prove every single project funded, using GPS coordinates, photos and stories from the field.
The Adventure Project
The Adventure Project is a nonprofit dedicated to lifting people in developing countries out of poverty by creating transformative jobs. We think the world’s greatest problems need entrepreneurial solutions. We invest in smart, cost-effective solutions that empower people to become profitable entrepreneurs, so they can serve their own communities with lifesaving services. Our vision is to end extreme poverty in our lifetime.