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Tahara's Fund 2018


Trying to leave this country a little better than I found it

Your Donation Supports

William J Brennan Jr Center For Justice Inc

The Brennan Center is one of the leading organizations in the field of voting rights, doing well-cited research into voter access (and purges), gerrymandering, money in politics (including the judicial branch!), and more.

Tides Center

The Tides Center is an umbrella organization supporting a number of progressive causes. Specifically, I supported Poder (project # 1014) (, who works with the Latino community in SF to promote local civic engagement and environmental justice.

National Womens Law Center

I have a high school friend who worked for them, and they cover a wide range of issues that are important to me -- equal pay, child care, reproductive rights, and social safety nets like Medicaid and Social Security that are a tremendous support to many single mothers. Since I don't have any personal expertise on many issues affecting women, the NWLC was a trusted place to delegate making decisions about where best to allocate my money.

American Civil Liberties Union Foundation, Inc.

You all know this one, but that's for good reason, and they've recently started more grassroots training and organizing (see: Their support of Citizens United is still a sore spot (similarly some of the free-speech issues in North Carolina), but they are nothing if not self-consistent and the best at what they do -- defending civil liberties. I also do see positive movement on the gnarly areas around free speech, which gives me more confidence going forward.

Food & Water Watch

Despite being a national organization, they haven't lost sight of the fact that often the most impactful change is local. They have been partnering with local environmental groups and leaders to defend public ownership of water (think: preventing the next Flint crisis) from the likes of Nestle and Coca Cola, farmers from encroachment by Monstanto and Tyson, and of course, have championed the OFF Fossil Fuels Act along with Tulsi Gabbard, leading it to reach 42 cosponsors. If you want high bang for your buck for Climate Change, Water, and Factory Farming, this is your organization.

Friends & Foundation of the San Francisco Public Library

The mission of the Friends of the San Francisco Public Library is to create, steward and support a superior, free public library system in San Francisco. We are committed to raising the standard of excellence of our libraries by funding programs and services beyond what is allocated in the City's budget. We believe in free and equal access to information for all.

Tahara's Fund 2018

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