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2021 Brazil COVID-19 Recovery Fund


Brazil is battling a devastating wave of COVID-19 infections as a result of both government mishandling of the crisis and the existence of a highly-infectious variant of the virus first detected in the country. The 2021 Brazil COVID-19 Recovery Fund is composed of pre-vetted nonprofits based in the United States providing emergency response in Brazil. Through a single donation to the Fund, you can support multiple organizations' initiatives to provide short-term and long-term response and recovery. Our Fund approach is informed by expert and local recommendations based on up to date information from disaster philanthropy and nongovernmental organization networks, such as the Center for Disaster Philanthropy. Given the ever-changing nature of this pandemic and widespread impact, the composition of the nonprofits in this Fund will evolve. Generally this fund will support healthcare, medical needs, vulnerable populations, and essential services. (Photo: Gilnature / Getty Images)

Your Donation Supports

Catholic Relief Services, Inc.

Catholic Relief Services is responding in the world’s most vulnerable communities—distributing soap and hygiene kits and sharing prevention messages that help minimize risk. Support can help stop misinformation and ensure access to safe water, hygiene and sanitation to prevent the spread of the virus. As vaccine distribution becomes pivotal, CRS plays a vital part in the rollout, identifying vulnerable groups and locations, training health care workers and tracking distribution. Support goes to provide Catholic and local health responders at the frontlines providing relief vital personal protection equipment, training and resources. Your gift helps strengthen prevention messages about the virus, promoting proper hand-washing with key hygiene supplies. You help promote messages about the vaccine at grassroots levels and help CRS to ensure that the most vulnerable populations—those who are dealing with compounded impacts of COVID-19, hunger and destroyed livelihoods—will have assistance to meet their urgent needs for food and survival and have support for their long-term stability and recovery.

United States Fund for UNICEF

The global agreement known as the COVAX Facility is led by CEPI, GAVI, UNICEF and WHO. UNICEF, in collaboration with the PAHO Revolving Fund, has been entrusted to lead vaccine delivery in more than 180 countries, representing 80% of the world’s population. UNICEF has spent 75 years building an unprecedented global-health support system. UNICEF runs the largest humanitarian supply warehouse in the world. UNICEF currently immunizes 45% of the world’s children every year. UNICEF is the only organization with the infrastructure, experience and expertise already in place to make it happen as fast as possible. It will also take diagnostics, treatment and an effort to re-strengthen overburdened health systems. That's why UNICEF is also delivering 500 million COVID tests and 245 million COVID treatments so countries can easily detect and treat the virus—and slow its spread while waiting for the full vaccine rollout. UNICEF and partners are helping provide equitable access to:
-900 million testing kits
-165 million treatments
-Programs to build vaccine confidence

Center For Disaster Philanthropy

CDP set up a fund to support preparedness, containment, response and recovery activities for those affected and for the responders. Donors may designate a specific country/area of the world.

Brazil Foundation

BrazilFoundation mobilizes resources for ideas and actions that transform Brazil. They work with local leaders, organizations and a global network of supporters to promote equality, social justice and economic opportunity for all Brazilians. Their COVID-19 SOS Campaign is raising funds to help bring food, safety and health to thousands of families.

Kiva Microfunds

Kiva is a microfinance, pooled lending program. Internationally, they are supporting their field partners and international borrowers. They have no open projects in India but a number of open projects in Brazil. These are individual small business owners looking for loans to support their work. Kiva also needs operational funds to support the work they are doing.

2021 Brazil COVID-19 Recovery Fund

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Disaster Relief
Your donation supports the pool of 5 nonprofits

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