All Community created Funds

Christina Zajicek Memorial Fund
2 nonprofits
Christina Zajicek Memorial Fund
On June 19, 2021, Christina Zajicek passed away peacefully in her home in Colorado after a multi-year fight against cancer. Her journey and determination was an inspiration to many. In lieu of flowers, her family is requesting donations on behalf of Christina. As an organization, we encourage everyone who is interested to donate to Metavivor and GiGi's Playhouse. Donations will be matched by the organization as long as an employee has not reached their annual max. Her own words from her obituary created by her family: “You don’t know me yet, but my name is Christina Zajicek. I’m 28 years old, and I am dying. But, here’s the thing. So are you. There’s not enough time in every way you could interpret the statement, so I’ll make this short. You have the most wonderful gift of life and limitless potential to live and love fearlessly. All you want is within your reach; it just takes some action and hard work. In the meantime, love each day. Love each person. Make each day more magical for yourself and the people around you. Make decisions that make you happiest and don’t make decisions based on fear of what could happen, guilt, or the way everyone thinks things should be done. Look up from your phone more often. Feel in perpetual awe of the world because this is pretty damn incredible place filled with endless people to meet and learn from and countless places to explore and experience. Spend more time with people and in nature. Close your eyes and feel the sunlight on your face. Really feel it. Feel the warmth on your forehead and cheeks. Listen to the sound of the wind blowing the trees. Look at someone around you and be incredulous that everyone has come from a series of cells and molecules and good and awful experiences to be alive and be a part of your world at this very moment. Go all in. Whether it’s loving someone so deeply you feel it pulsing in every molecule of your being, investing every dollar you have in a wild dream you have, or making a decision that scares the living shit out of you. Find out what you are most afraid of and do it anyway. Know that all moments of pain will pass. Force yourself to feel so alive that you could swear electricity is literally running through your veins. Everything is infinitely possible and you are right where you need to be. But now you have the remarkable opportunity to be more brave, more honest, more kind, and more alive. Just go out and do it. Even though I am dying, this is not a story about death. It is a story to make you feel alive.”
Promoting E-learning for Rural Kids in Sembabule  Uganda Fund
1 nonprofit
Promoting E-learning for Rural Kids in Sembabule Uganda Fund
Curtin Child Learning Centre (CLICCS) is a community-based nursery & primary school located in Kibubu Nakasenyi Lwebitakuki Sembabule District that has been operating since January 2017. Like most kids in the rural areas of Uganda, the children enrolled at our school have low levels of literacy because of the inadequacy in reading materials during their early learning stages. We are aiming to resolve this using technological and digital tools in our teaching methods. We are appealing to well-wishers to support our school so we can purchase 100 E-reading tablets so the children can have access to both English and Luganda book stories (commonly-spoken native language in the Sembabule District) With the growing number of pupils , and the increasing demand to help them acquire higher literacy levels, we need to embrace digital learning; thus the need for tablets. We currently serve over 500 kids and we aim to have Tablet: Pupil ratio of 1:5(100 tablets to 500 kids.) This calls for a conducive and child-friendly E-learning environment where the children can access reading materials that match their skills and abilities, which will be further honed by our teachers. Through reading, we are hoping to improve and develop the children’s storytelling and conversational skills, their mastery of the English language, as well as build their confidence and promote teamwork among them. Help us make this happen. Together, let’s #RaiseACurtinChild.
Campbell Canada Supporting Survivors of Residential Schools Fund
2 nonprofits
Campbell Canada Supporting Survivors of Residential Schools Fund
From the year 1831 until the last school closed its doors in 1996, about 150,000 Frist Nation, Inuit and Metis children were removed from their families and communities and forced to attend residential schools. These schools were funded by the Canadian government and at first were administered by the Christian churches. The purpose of these schools was to educate and convert Indigenous youth. This translated into taking their names, identities, language and culture away from them in order to eliminate all aspects of Indigenous culture. The conditions in these schools were so poor that many of these children were abused, malnourished and died alone and away from their families. To this day, we are not certain how many children (some as young as 3 years of age) died in the residential schools as the accurate records were not kept. With the discovery of 215 children in a mass grave at one of these residential schools in Kamloops BC, this part of Canadian story has been brought forward once again. We would encourage everyone to educate themselves about this recent part of our history and extend our support to the many families that are dealing with the impact of attending residential schools today. The charities that are a part of this fund provide such support. Donations made through this fund will be matched 100% (50% by the Campbell Soup Foundation and 50% by Campbell Canada up to a max of $10K)